Are you an angry person? Do you get angry easily, react strongly and keep resenting people for no apparent reason? Is anger a familiar friend that visits you often even when there is no good reason to be angry? Do you tend to stay angry longer than necessary, instead of quickly letting go and moving on with your life?
A brief background on anger
Anger is an emotion that can arise from a sense of frustration and impatience towards a situation or person. Anger is often a response to being thwarted or being given negative feedback, and it has been theorized to have evolved to restore equity when one feels they have been wronged by another. An important aspect of anger is that it is a situation-specific emotion. This means that the same situation may not cause another person to become angry. In fact, many people do not experience anger in any situation. For some people, anger is a very frequent and intense emotion. They may feel angry frequently and intensely at small frustrations or may feel rage at larger injustices.
Why are we so angry?
Anger is a normal human emotion, but how often we experience it, how intense it is and how long it lasts may depend on many factors. These include our genes, our environment, how stressed we are, how we manage our stress, our life view and how we deal with our emotions. In a world that is constantly changing, we often experience anger because of a difficult situation or an injustice. It can be a way of expressing negative feelings by showing frustration or displeasure with a particular situation. We may feel angry when others don't live up to our expectations, or when we feel like we have been treated unfairly.
What makes you angrier?
Are you quick to anger? Do you have a short temper? If this sounds familiar, then you should take a look at your lifestyle and the things you do to make your life better. These are the things which, when practiced, will reduce the instances of anger, and make you a calmer and more patient person. Let's have a look at a few of them. - Breathing exercises: Breathing is the first step towards taming your anger. If you are stressed, taking slow and deep breaths will help you relax and calm down. - Meditation: Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your emotions. It will help you understand why you are feeling angry and how to control your emotions better. - Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways to deal with anger and stress. Even a 15-minute walk can do wonders to calm you down. - Healthy eating: Eating healthy will help you stay alert and in control of your emotions.
Don't be a victim of your emotions
Keeping a check on your emotions is important because it helps you stay in control. If you are feeling angry, first acknowledge the feeling and then try to figure out what is causing your feelings. You should then attempt to deal with the source of your anger and see if you can come up with a better solution. This can help you let go of your anger much more quickly. Once you have identified the source of your anger, you can try to manage it with various techniques. You can try to distract yourself from what is making you angry, or you can attempt to re-direct your thoughts. You can also try to talk out your feelings with someone you trust, such as a friend, family member or therapist.
Be mindful of the physical effects of anger
Do you know that even if you just think about being angry, your body goes into the fight or flight mode? That's why the details above matter. They will help you understand the cause and effect of being angry better. If you are feeling angry, try to be mindful of your body. What are the physiological changes occurring? What effect does it have on your breathing? If you notice that your breathing becomes shallow, try to make an effort to slow down your breathing. This will help you calm down and relax your body.
Develop a more positive view of life and those around you
Anger often stems from a general sense of frustration at the world and those in it. If you can learn to approach the world with a more positive outlook, you can greatly reduce the instances of anger. With a positive outlook, you will be more likely to respond to frustration with an effort to find a solution rather than anger. Look for the best in every situation and learn to respond positively to difficult situations. This will make you less likely to become angry.
Take care of your body with exercise and diet
Make a regular exercise routine a part of your life to keep your anger in check. Even a half an hour of low-intensity exercise can help you relax and be less prone to anger. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats as this will keep your body healthy and reduce your anger levels. These are a few ways to reduce your anger and make you a calmer person.
Take an anger management course
Has your anger gotten you into trouble? You may have been ordered to take an anger management course by court order, or maybe you just want to learn to control your anger better and to avoid the triggers that make you angry in the first place. If so, Advent eLeaning has the online anger management courses you’re looking for. We provide certification of your successful completion you can use to fulfil your obligation to the court, and we provide a real behavior changing, positive learning experience that can change your life for the better.
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