A recent study done by The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, found that prosecutor offices are grappling with an average of 9,000 cases awaiting trial. This is a 62% increase since the onset of COVID-19. This has resulted in delays in justice, overcrowded jails, increased costs, and victim frustration.
Click here to read the full press release
Contact Diversion Manager
You can go to AdventeLearning.com and refer students today! But if you need the support of our fully functional platform which can be configured to accommodate the automation and management of alternative programs with advanced workflow, communication, reporting, and integration with your case management system, then you need Advent Diversion Manager. Go to the Diversion Manager website to learn more and to schedule a demonstration of our fully functional platform.
Advent eLearning courses address a variety of topics including:
Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Anger Management
Animal Care
Boating & Outdoors
Juvenile Conflict Resolution
Corrective Thinking
Defensive Driving
Financial Crimes
Firearm Responsibility
Hunting Responsibility
Impaired Driving
Juvenile Sexting
Life Skills
Marijuana & THC
Revenge Porn
Traffic Safety
Underage Substance
Victim Impact Panel