Diversion Manager How To Videos
Learn how to use key functions of the Diversion Manager platform
How To Text Recovery Credentials to Current Students Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions about how to text recovery credentials to current Diversion Manager students.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to text recovery credentials to current students by following these simple steps. From the assignment details page verify that the number displayed in the mobile phone field is valid and correct. If not, click the edit button to update that field. Click the text credentials button. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm; select OK to send the credentials or Cancel to cancel the message. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Text Course Login Credentials to Students Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions about how to text course login credentials to students from the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to text course login credentials to students by following these simple steps. From the Assignment Details page, click the Text Credentials button. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm; select OK to send the credentials or Cancel to cancel the message. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to Diversion Manager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Reinstate an Advent eLearning Course
Step-by-step review of how to reinstate an Advent eLearning Course on the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to reinstate a course by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page, scroll down to the courses for reinstatement table. All of the courses eligible for reinstatement will appear here. To view the assignment details of a course, click the show button on the far left of the table and then, click the view, link. From the courses for reinstatement table, click on the due date to select a new due date. Then select reinstate. If you have multiple courses to reinstate you can update more than one at a time. To save these changes click the apply changes button and then the reset table button to view the updated table. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to Diversion Manager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Edit Student Assignments Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step review of how to edit student assignments using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to edit student assignments by following these simple steps. From the assignment detail page select the units button or scroll down to the units section. Select the more link, under Unit ID. To change the course assignment, select a new course from the dropdown menu and click the Next Step button. To edit an existing assignment, select the More link from the assignment grid. On Step 3, the Unit Modifications page, scroll down and select the Edit button if you need to make any changes. Click Save to execute your changes or Cancel to close the screen without making any changes. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Extend a Due Date using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how to extend an assignment due date using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to extend a due date by following these simple steps. From the assignment detail page select the units button or scroll down to the units section. Click on the Unit ID number link of the assignment you would like to work on. On the unit modifications page select the edit button and update the date in the due date field. Click Save to execute your changes, or Cancel to close the screen without making changes. If the student's due date has already passed, you must reinstate the course to grant the student more time to take it. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To View and Edit Student Information Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how view and edit student information using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to view and edit student login information by following these simple steps. From the assignment details page, click on the Login ID link. If you need help finding an assignment, watch our searching for assignments video. On the site users page, click on the pushpin icon to view student login details. Select the edit button to make the intended changes. Click the Save button to execute your changes, or the Cancel button to close the screen without making any changes. Depending on your user role, you can access all login information for all students in your institution by selecting Manage Site Users from the top menu of the Diversion Manager homepage. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Reinstate a Course from the Assignment Page
Step-by-step instructions on how to reinstate a course from the assignment page.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager Platform makes it easy to reinstate a course from the assignment page. From the home page, select Assignments from the Manage drop down menu. Open the assignment on the “Assignment Detail” page by following the “Searching for Assignments” procedure. Click on “Units” and select the Unit ID you want to update. On the Unit Modification page click edit. Change the “Due Date” to new date and remove the old “Date Completed”. Change the “Unit Status” from “Failed” to “Ready”. Select Save to save your changes or Cancel to close the page without saving. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we’re always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/Support to connect with Advent customer service.
Student Management
How To View and Print Certificates of Completion Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how to view and print certificates of completion with the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to view and print a student certificate of completion by following these simple steps. From the assignment detail page click the Units button or scroll to the Units section. Click on the Unit ID number link of the completed course. On the Step 3: unit modifications page click the view diploma link. The certificate of completion will appear in a new window. From that window you are able to view, print and save the certificate. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How to Run Ad Hoc Reports Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how to do ad hoc reporting using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to run Ad-Hoc reports by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page, select Ad-Hoc report in the reports drop down menu. Select the date range or fill in the other fields with the variables you wish to create a report for. Select the Run Report button to display the report results. To share the results, select the Export Results button to download the report in a CSV file. This file format can then be opened in Excel or other spreadsheet application. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Audit an Account Using Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how to audit an account using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to audit an account by following these simple steps. From the assignment detail page select the activities button or scroll down to the Activities section. Select more link in the activities table. From the audit log for assignment page, an audit of all activities for that assignment will be displayed. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Add Students & Courses
Step-by-step instructions on how to add students and to assign courses to them.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to add students and courses by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page, select the Add Assignment button. On Step 1: Register Student page, enter information for the student. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. Click the plus and minus buttons next to some sections to expand or hide sections, based on the entry fields your organization uses. Enter information if you would like the student to receive their login and assignment information by email or text. If either field is not filled in, the student will receive a letter containing their information. From the Offense drop-down list, select the offense committed by this student, if applicable. If the offense is not in the list, select Other and enter the name of the offense in the field below. Enter any freeform-notes you want captured about this student in the Notes field. Click the Next Step button to save the student record. On the Step 2: Select Course page, from -select course - the drop-down list, select the course that you wish to assign to this student. A short description will appear after you select a course, review this information to ensure it is the correct assignment. Then click the Next Step button. On the Unit Modification page, the default Due Date and Student Fee will appear based on your settings. You can overwrite these default values if needed. The due date defaults to the court date you enter; you can set a custom "offset" to move the due date back the number of days you choose before the court date. That date will be set when you select the Sync Due Date button. Select the Add Course button to complete this task. You can also select the Go Back button to edit the student information or select the Cancel button to cancel this assignment completely. If you select the Add Course button, the Assignment Created page will appear. From this screen you can send your student their login credentials via email or SMS. For email, select the Email Login to Student button or for SMS select the Text Login to Student button. You can also select the View Assignment button to view details of the course you just assigned or click the Home button to return to the Diversion Manager homepage. To send the student their login credentials click the email credentials, or text credentials button at the top of the assignment detail page. If you wish to assign an additional course to this student, select the Add Another Unit button. If you wish to register a new student and course, select the Add New Assignment button. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Search For Assignments
Step-by-step instructions on how to search for student assignments using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to search for assignments by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page select the search button. From the assignment list page, you can select the field that best applies to your intended search and enter your information. Some fields allow you to broaden or narrow potential search-results by choosing whether you'd like results to Equal, or match exactly. Starts With, or starts with the characters you enter, and Contains, or has the characters you enter anywhere in the phrase in your criteria. Select the search button to see the results. To expand any of the search results click the more link. If a student was assigned more than one unit it will be noted here under course. To view an individual unit, click the more link, and select one to work on. If you don't find the assignment you're looking for, you can expand your search by using broader criteria. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How To Transfer Cases to Other Users with Diversion Manager
Step-by-step instructions on how to transfer cases to other users with the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to transfer cases to other users by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page select manage and click the transfer case ownership button. On the transfer case ownership page select the user who currently has the case from the current owner list. A list of that users current cases will appear in the cases to be transferred field. From the new owner list select the user you would like to transfer the cases to. Click the transfer case button to complete the transfer. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How to Send a Student Enrollment Link
Step-by-step instructions about how to send an enrollment link to students using the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager platform makes it easy to send a course link for student enrollment by following these simple steps. From the Diversion Manager home page click the course link button. Using the course drop down menu on the send course link page select the course you'd like the student to take If you wish to allow the student to select from all courses your agency offers, select all courses. A default message will appear in the Message field; you can edit or rewrite this message if needed. Enter the students mobile phone number that will receive the message. And click the text link button. If you'd like to share the link in an email or on a website fill out the course and message fields like before, this time leaving the mobile number field blank. Click the display registration link button. You can then copy and paste the URL as needed. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we're always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/support to connect with Advent customer service.
How to Edit User Account Information
Step-by-step instructions about how to edit a user's account information in the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager Platform makes it easy to update and manage agency user information and roles. From the home page, select Site Users from the Manage drop down menu. A table will appear showing each Student, User and Administrator for your organization. Click Show Search above the table if you need to search for the user you wish to edit. Select the pushpin icon associated with the user account; when account details appear, select the Edit button. Make any needed changes to User information or roles. Click the Save button to add the new user or Cancel button to quit without saving. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we’re always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/Support to connect with Advent customer service.
How to Add New System Users
Step-by-step instructions about how to add new agency system account users in the Diversion Manager platform.
Video Transcript
The Diversion Manager Platform makes it easy to add new agency users and well as manage existing users. From the home page, select Site Users from the Manage drop down menu. A table will appear showing each Student, User and Administrator for your organization. Below the table, select the New button to open the Site User ID box. Complete the information for the new user, including selecting the role for this user. Click the Save button to add the new user or Cancel button to quit without saving. We hope you found this video helpful, and if you need additional information or have questions, we’re always here for you. Just go to DiversionManager.com/Support to connect with Advent customer service.
Agency Management